
Sunday, May 12, 2013


I haven't done a bunday post in what seems like forever! So it's about time for one I think. I love my silly little rabbit baby. I had her outside yesterday and had my camera with me, and snapped a few pictures. She loved it too! She poses for the camera when she sees it now, as opposed to running from me because she thinks I'm trying to make her come inside.

I think this might be my favorite and was by total accident! Look at that cute little bunny tongue! Aw. Love this silly little critter sooo much. And she's been such a baby lately. 

Not even kidding a little bit about her being a baby. If I sit in the rocking chair we have in the living room, she runs right to me and wants to be picked up. I cradle her in the nook on my arm on her back and rock her like a baby and she LOVES it. She wouldn't admit it. But don't listen to her. The way she just lays still and goes to sleep gives away how she really feels about it. She's also taken to having her belly rubbed lately, too. Before, I could barely get my hand anywhere near her belly before she was kicking and trying to get away. Now she just lays back and gets a big ol' bunny smile on her face while I rub her belly. She's kind of the cutest thing ever. 

Also because it IS mother's day?

Happy mother's day

to all the moms reading today. Hope you have an awesome day :)


  1. I have two bunny babies - they don't like being picked up but they always come for love. This little lady is too cute, I hope to see more of her in the future <3

    1. Aw, I love my bunny baby, haha. This one didn't like being picked up at first either, but once she discovered she liked it.. haha. I'm still the only one allowed to pick her up though, anyone else and she has a freak out over it. <3 she'll def be around more in the future though! I forget to do bunday every week, but she gets to be included whenever I do remember :D


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