
Thursday, April 23, 2015

31 day challenge: Red nails

 Hi y'all! I have some more nail art for you all today! I have decided to give te 31 day challenge another try so I can have a little bit of inspiration to get myself going again! If this rain ever lets up anyways! I can't get good pictures with all these cloudy overcast skies hidin my sun! 

Anyways, for today's look the theme is Red Nails, and while I didn't want to do full on red nails, plus I don't have many red polishes to pick from anyways since I kind of avoid the color at all costs, I just did these red flowers instead. 

I used Sinful Colors Starfish for the base which is kind of a nude pink color with just a hint of purple. I love how it looks on my nails and I looove the color. It kinda reminds me of a Mauve Crayola crayon. 

The flowers were done with acrylic paint using the one stroke method for the flowers, then I outlines in black to separate out the petals, and added a dot of yellow in the middle. They were really fun and super easy to do! 
Just as a bonus.. I thought it would be fun to show my process when I'm painting. This is what my hands usually look like after my nails are done. At least until they dry enough that I can wash my hands and scrub the paint off. I just use my fingers as sort of a 'pallete' I guess? They're close that the pallette I actually have and so it's easier to just wipe the brush right there once or twice when I end up with too much paint on the brush.. plus so long as it doesn't dry too quickly, i can just dip it right back in there when I need more. 

Luckily, acrylic paint usually just pops right off once you run a little water over it, and if it doesn't, a little soap and rubbing at it does the trick. 

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought in the comments below! 

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