
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Flip Flop February day 5: 3D/Decals

It's day five of the Flip Flop february Challenge, and today is 3d/decals Annd I'm not sure If what I did was actually 3d or not.. but I worked with what I had so it'll just have to work! Now we'll get on to the nail look for today :)

There's no tutorial again today, I figured everyone knew by now how to stick things on their nails so. We'll get back to those soon!

Fimo canes! I've had these for a while now.. but I always forget about them so I don't use them.. plus? It's kinda annoying having them on my nails but eh. I'd deal if I remembered them and found something cute to do with them!

I swear they were all completely dry, and next thing I know my Kiwis were falling off my pinky. So it looks kinda globby and gross from where I tried to fix it :(
 I just put down a base color of sinful colors happy ending and let that dry. Then put a coat of a plain clear polish to stick on the fima slices. Then topped it off with seche vite. I hate using seche vite, but I have a whole bottle still, and thought it might work better for keeping the slices on. Plus, it's not going to be on for long so. Hope you all liked my nails for today!


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