
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Flip Flop February day 7: Sugar spun/Pattern

Todays theme for the challenge is supgar spun or a pattern, and I chose sugar spun.. something I never tried before and thought would be easy to do. I guess I was wrong though. It definitely didn't turn out the way it should have. I couldn't get the polish to stay stringy and such, and it ended up looking more like a splatter of sorts, but I'm going to share it with you anyways. I actually really like the color combo.

see what I mean about it not looking much about a sugar spun mani? It wouldn't string AT ALL so I ended up using the dotting tool to dot on the drying polish and trying to use the strings from that to kinda drag it along. I think that's how I ended up with more of a splatter effect. I should try older already goopy polishes next time possibly. 

I still quite like the way it looks. Even if it wasn't the way it was intended to look. I used a base color of sinful colors snow me white and the colors I used on top of that are la colors bliss (purple) and wet n wild wild shine tickled pink (pink) the colors are really cute and girly together i think. Also kinda pastel-y and springy. (oh i can't wait for spring/summer when the cold weather is GONE)


  1. This is good for a first try..I thought you had created your own effect when I first saw this! I like the colour combination too. I tried it for the first time too for the FFF challenge and found that my old gooey polishes worked better!

    1. haha i tried to find some polishes that were older and already kind of thick, and discovered i don't have any :( but thank you! I think next time I'll just have to try being more patient.

    2. Haha that's good! Sadly I have too many :(.

    3. aw, goopy no good polishes are no good :( haha I was pretty excited that I didn't have any, well, my blacks and white get goopy quick, I think cause I use them a lot so they're open a lot, but i wasn't in a black and white kinda mood so.

    4. Lol ah you should be proud you dont have any!!


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