
Saturday, April 13, 2013

ellagee 1985 neon shimmers review

bottle shot
I have another Ellagee polish review for you this evening! And they are amaaazing! Best neons I've ever used. These are three colors from her new 1985 neon shimmer collection. And Not only are they the best neons i've ever used, but they are totally unique to me because i've never seen a shimmery neon before. I normally go for more cream colors or jellies, but in this case, since they're totally different than other neons, I would reach right for these! 

Now, while I listen to the new The Summer Set Album and eat the smarties Laura sent with the review set, lets get on with the swatches and what I thought of all of these. 

Quick warning though: this might get a little more pic heavy than my usual posts. And another note - Usually I don't use top coat on my swatches to show the true finish of the polish. But since these are neons and dry with a semi-matte finish, i've featured them with and without top coat. I've also shown all colors both on their own and over white. 

no top coat
with top coat
First up we have Dude! let me just make another quick note here, I love the names of these so much!
no top coat
with top coat
Dude! is an amazing neon yellow. It truly reminds me of a highlighter yellow, haha. But a lot of neon yellows remind me of that. Some of these you can see a red tiny to but that's because I was wearing a red shirt, and silly me, I didn't think about it maybe reflecting in the polish color. this is Dude! shown two coats by itself and two coats over white on the ring finger to show how it looks both ways. As you see, it had nice even coverage in just two coats all by itself, but the white makes it really pop! one of the reasons I love these neons so much is how opaque they are so easily on their own. I've never used a neon before that wasn't still sheer with just two coats. 

I had been worried about my camera picking up the colors on these, especially the yellow. It freaks out at the sight of such bright colors. So I'm including this one I took with my ipod on instagram because it shows just how truly bright the polish is. Not the best quality picture, but the brightness of the color is there. 

no top coat
with top coat
next up is probably my favorite of the three sent to me for review, gnarly green
no top coat
with top coat
Gnarly Green is so so pretty. It's not nearly as bright as dude! but it's still just bright enough. It's a grassy irish kinda green, and I just love that. And I think it was the one that looked best against my skin tone, that might be influencing my reason for making it the favorite. It went on amazingly! And looking at the pictures now, putting it over white doesn't make as big of a difference as it did with dude! this is two easy coats by itself, and two coats over white on the ring finger. 

no top coat
with top coat
last, but not least at all we have Purp-rageous
no top coat
with top coat

Purp-rageous is sooo pretty. It's probably my second favorite after gnarly green. It photographs much pinker than it is in person. In certain lights it does look more pink, but for the most part is has a more purple tone to it. I guess maybe it's more of a fuchsia? A pinkish purple color. These are such pretty colors though and the quality of the polish is so so good. It goes on so smooth and even. This is two coats on it's own and two coats over white on the ring finger. On the pictures it doesn't look like it made a difference at all, but you could definitely tell the white gave the color a lot more pop to it in person, still it was nothing compared to the difference it made for dude! 

I loved these polishes sooo much just like the last set I reviewed for Laura. She has some amazing polishes and the colors are just as awesome! And the mini bottles she uses are just so cute and the labels are adorable, I just have to say. These all went on so so smooth and easy, they dried pretty fast, and semi-matte in true neon fashion like I said to start with, but even with the matte finish, the shimmer adds that extra something that makes them truly unique and different from other neons out there. I could even see myself wearing gnarly green or purp-rageous all on their own and that doesn't happen very often, the color has to be really special for me not to cover it up with nail art. And like I mentioned, for neons, these are amazingly opaque in just two coats, something that i've never found in a neon polish before. 
what do you guys think of these? If you're interested and don't like the colors, she has a whole rainbow of them releasing in neon form so you're sure to find something you like if you check out her shop and see what you can find! I do believe the neons aren't available yet but will be soon, so keep an eye out! 


  1. Beautiful photos! Thanks so much <3

  2. Oooh Dude I need you so BAD! Gorgeous swatches :)

    1. dude! was amaaazing! I'm always a little worried about yellows, especially neons, but this was sooo easy to apply. And thank you!

  3. Gnarly Green is super pretty!

  4. Hi Katherine, Just came across your blog on G+ and would love to invite you to You can share your nails posts with our users and get a even bigger audience to showcase your work. I am sure our users would love it. xoxo


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