
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

R.I.P. My sweet baby :(

Hi y'all! I have sad news today. And some nail art for you. My bunny, Foofy passed away yesterday morning. Worst thing I've ever experienced, I'll just say that. I knew she didn't have much longer left when I brought her to our room about 9PM Sunday night night and I'm actually really surprised that she made it as long as she had. I did some nail art just for her though, that I actually started Sunday night trying to distract myself until I just couldn't deal with looking at my poor baby any more. 

I wish my bunny had come out better. I really love the index finger though. I used Wet nWilld A Blank Canvas for the base, two coats of my custom polish from Creations By Lynda, inspired by and named after my bunny baby. I had some loose pink heart glitter I added a few of onto the nails and used acrylic paints for the details. I made a little yellow and flower on my index finger along with writing her name, the yellow is because her favorite snack when they were in the yard were the dandelion flowers. I also matted it out with a matte top coat which didn't work all that great. Foofy wanted to shine on I suppose <3 I miss her little crazyness running around already, the crazy brattyness hasn't been there really for a while now though. 

It was so so sad to see. Friday I noticed she seemed to be having trouble breathing, when I'd pick her up she'd sound kinda stuffy and wheezy, but I just kinda didn't worry about it much because she's sounded like that before, allergies i think, she's sound stuffy and be sneezy the same time I was, every time, and it'd clear up in a day or two. Saturday I thought she was getting better actually, she actually came out and got snacks from us, visited with everyone, got some head rubs, ate her food, everything as normal, except I still noticed the trouble breathing when I brought her to our room. Not any worse than the day before, but not better either. Still, didn't think anything of it. 

Sunday she would hardly move from her box, refused to let anyone touch her, and her breathing kept getting worse and worse throughout the day. By time I brought her to our room for 'bed' that night she was struggling so bad to breathe, holding her little head way up to get air in, and breathing through her mouth, and oh my god, the look that she kept giving me, like she was trying to get me to make it stop. And I wished I could so bad. So so bad. 

Surprisingly though, she held on through the night, but without eating and drinking, I knew she didn't have long, breathing issue or not. I finally got too upset to watch her anymore, turned off all the lights and laid in bed. I was still getting up every so often to check on her and let her know I was still there. I left her out of her cage, normally that's where she would have to sleep, but she was laying in front of a mirror, and staying turned towards that other bunny, so I left her thinking she was comforted by the bunny in the mirror. About 2am, I heard her run and get in her cage, and she stayed there. 

I finally fell asleep myself at some point, but I was woken up about 8 yesterday morning, really confused. I could feel sometihng in bed with me, and I thought it was maybe my moms dog, that maybe she'd let him in the room, but them i felt little nails on my bare leg, and I knew it was Foofy. This poor little baby barely had the strength to move, or even get out of her cage, but somehow she had hoped up into bed with me and hang out on my legs for a few minutes. She must have had to come and say good bye. As soon as I moved though, I scared her and she jumped down and ran back to her cage. Next time I woke up an hour or so later, she was gone. 

Now, my bedroom floor is still covered in her hay as I write this. I know I should sweep it all up but I just.. can't do it yet. I miss her silly little butt tons and tons, but at least she's not struggling anymore, and she's somewhere running with all the other little bunny's eating all the bananas she can possibly eat. 

RIP My little Foofster, you'll be missed like crazy and I sooo wish I could have kept you from having to deal with the struggle to breathe in the end. I would have done anything to make it easier and more comfortable for you. <33 


  1. Sorry to hear about this, I'm sure you will never forget about Foofy. I like your nails, a nice tribute :)

    1. Thanks! Of course she won't be forgotten, never ever.


  2. What a beautiful tribute! I admit, I teared up reading this. May foofy rest in peace at the rainbow bridge and binky free. <3

    1. I still tear up everytime I realize she's not sitting under my feet anymore. <3 I'm sure she's off some where eating all the raisins and bananas she can manage though. Along with some kale and corn.

  3. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful companion

  4. I cried while I read this. Every single word shows your deep attachment ! I can imagine you must be in pain, but at-least she is free from her sufferings -Right ? R.I.P. foofy -you are a cute bunny !

    1. Thank you <3 and yes, she's no longer in pain or suffering, and probably much better off now, but still I miss her.


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