
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sims Saturday: An Introduction!

The Sims 2 pets seasons apartment life idea stuff
 Hi y'all! So I decided to try this out. Let me know what you all think and if you hate it I won't ever do it again. Deal? Deal! I thought that since I started this blog out as a Nail Art and Sims blog, and I like to share my sims. It's something fun and different that definitely lets the reader get to know me better and what I like to do besides my nails, I think. Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just insane and I'm annoying everyone to no end with my Sims pictures. So! Let's get on with the rest of the pictures and let me introduce you to my little sims family! 

Sims Saturday The Sims 2
 The girl there with the orange hair and looking like she has some zombie eyes is my sim I created, her name is Jacquelin Kirby. She moved into Stone view on an empty 6x6 lot. All she could afford was a tent, a really small piece of wall, a toilet, shower, sink, minfridge, and a couple of the cheapest counters. She got a job in law enforement and went out in search of a spouse. Which failed horribly because my game was refusing to generate any decent sims... or male sims. And I wanted her to have a male spouse. 

So I had to create one and make him into a townie. That's Sheldon there at the table with her. 

That was on their first date at the 'family dinner' in downtown. The waiter dumped their fried chicken all over them, which I'd never seen happen before so it amused me like crazy. 
Sims Saturday The Sims 2
 And this is what Sheldon thinks about working out. Too bad he needs the body skill for his lifetime want career.. adventurer, he got lucky and found it in the newspaper his first day too. 

Jacquelin moved him in the next day. They got engaged and married right on the lawn beside the toilet. It would have been the bathroom had they had a house. True sims style. 
Sims Saturday The Sims 2
 And then they were able to build themselves a small little house. And story time since I forgot pictures: 

First night they had the house, I forgot to buy a burglar alarm. So you know where this is going right? Right. Burglar shows up, Sheldon wakes up, has a fit cause OMG BURGLAR and omg no alarm and GASP I also forgot to buy them a phone so they couldn't even call the cops. All Poor Sheldon could do was watch the burglar steal their stuff that they had JUST bought. While Sheldon is freaking out, Jacquelin wakes up, after they'd just tried for a baby, and obvs knocked up, she had not a care in the world about the burglar.. she just needed to vomit into the toilet haha. And after all this... 
Sims Saturday The Sims 2
 Sheldon had a total mental breakdown.. 
Sims Saturday The Sims 2
Sims Saturday The Sims 2
Sims Saturday The Sims 2
 Yeah... so badly that after his visit with the therapist he went and stood on the side walk, begging for money. 
Sims Saturday The Sims 2
 And just in time, Jacquelin came home from work and promptly popped for the first time. I'm sure that was just what Sheldon needed in his freak out over money.. 
Sims Saturday The Sims 2
 Not much happened between the first pop and birth so.. meet their first born son! His Name is Sage and he has his mothers eyes and his fathers skin and hair. 
Sims Saturday The Sims 2
 Sooo... I cheated and got them a cow plant. Both of them kept wanting to see the ghost of their burglar... the plan was to kill him by cowplant. Spoilet alert: Plan failed horribly. But nanny's dred working at this house... 
Sims Saturday The Sims 2

Sims Saturday The Sims 2
 And Sage grew up! He's super cute and looks more like his father than his mother.
Sims Saturday The Sims 2
And thankfully he was an easy baby and even managed to learn all his skills! Yay! 

And I hope you all liked this post! Let me know what you think in the comments below! If you hate I'll seriously never do it again and keep my sims to myself, but if you like it, then there will be more each Saturday! 

1 comment:

  1. I love watching sims gameplay, there so fun! I don't play it personally but I used to when I was younger.


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