
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Nail updates!

Hi y'all! I thought I'd try and do something for you all. This will be a new series of posts. I thought it would be fun to document and share with you my nail growth over a period of time. I thought three months, or twelve weeks, would be a good amounth of time to show you all. I think it'll be fun for me as well to see in pictures how well and much they grow. 

The plan was to take week-by-week pictures but then I forgot about it week two, so we get week one and three for this time around. I took the pictures against my ipod showing the date so you can see. Also to remind me which one is from which. 

 So, week one, I've freshing shaped them into almonds/points. I love this look of this shape, it just took a while for it to grow on me. Some nails weren't quite long enough for the shape, which is why I decided to do this. To show how they grow and how gentle filing as they grow helps get the right shape. 

Sadly, in week three there was a near break, and an actual break. The index and ring finger look like they're going in nicely. The pinky has an acrylic overlay to prevent the crack I got in it from breaking. Literally just ten minutes after noticing said crack and patching it up with acrylic, I got into bed and my middle finger caught on a blanket and tore off. That one had a crack in it i'd been nursing for a month or two. I prevented it from breaking from that crack, and it had nearly grown out. Right there at the tip. Thne the whole thing breaks off :( Sigh. 
I think this adds a bit to my little growth chart thingy though. We can see how that one nail grows over the alotted time period. 
I couldn't just leave it a little nub with out cutting all the rest of them down so I decided on using my acrylic kit and putting on a false nail for now. I think it looks pretty good for a first try. It's not perfect by any means. I didn't have any tips. Or rather, I do, but I can't get the glue open. I also don't have any of the sculpting paper things so I improvised. It doesn't look good underneathe but no one looks there anyways and for the blog I just need it to look good in pictures. 

I'll be letting bot the overlay and the fake enhancement grow out, or come off on it's own, whichever comes first. 


  1. The new nail shape looks good.

  2. Nail glue bottles are always getting glued shut, so very frustrating! I do like the nail shape though, very cute :)


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