
Thursday, June 4, 2015

31 day challenge: Rainbow nails

Hi y'all! We're back to the 31 Day Challenge now! Today's theme is rainbow nails and I had to do something extra special with them. I made them into a Rainbow Bridge theme and added a little bunny silhouette to represent my Foofy bun. I still miss her crazy butt all the time and it seemed like a good way to show I was still thinking about her. 

These were super fun and easy to do. You'll be able to find a tutorial up on my YouTube channel so head over there to see that!

I started these off with NYC Skyline Blue for the base color. The rest of the colors a re all acrylic paints and it was pretty easy. I wanted the rainbow to look like it was going across all of my nails. Then on the ring finger I painted my little bunny silhouette. It was suppose to be from behind the bunny.. like shes looking towards the rainbow. This I used Wet N Wild Kaleidoscope and put a very light coat over the rainbow on all nails except the accent, on that one I put it over the bunny. Just to add a little bit of sparkle! 

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought in the comments below! 

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