Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Penguin Nail Art!

funky fingers anna berried treasure pengions glitter bunny ring
Hi y'all! I have some more cute nail art for you all today! This time some adorable (adora-nail? Is that a thing? If not it is now) penguin nail art! I recently went and found my local Five and Below and had to have some of the Funky Fingers nail polishes. And the ones I've used I've loved so much I might have to go back and get more of them!! I used two of them in today's look, aren't they just the cutest? Anyways, on to the nail look. 

I started with my base coat to protect my natural nail. Then I painted on three coats of Funky Fingers Berried Treasure Which is just the cutest color! It's a very pale pinkish berry crelly (very much a crelly, very sheer one at that) with two different sized black hexes and smaller white hexes. Three coats almost was still too sheer, but I just like the 'almost see through but not quite see through' look on crelly polishes. There was more visible nail line in person, but you can barely tell in the picture. 

On all but the pointed and ring finger I added one coat of Funky Fingers Anna on top of the base color. This one is inspired by Anna from Disney's Frozen and is adorable! Oh wait.. It's Adora-nail! I WILL make that a thing. I promise you, I will. ANYWAYS. This is a glitter topper. There are small hexes in a dark purple and a pinkish purple (magenta maybe?) lots of little micro white hexes, and some larger white hexes. My favorite think in it though? The blue and white snowflake glitters!! They are SO SO Cute!! One problem, there is a lot of fishing to get them out. Just getting one on each nail took my much longer than I would have liked, but for the price point and the adora-nailness of this glitter topper, it was worth it. 

For the penguins, I used a tiny art brush and black, white, and orange acrylic paint. And I have definitely rambled for far too long now!! 

Hope you all enjoyed this look! Let me know what you thought in the comments below!