Thursday, December 25, 2014

Reindeer nail art!

Merry Christmas!!

reindeer christmas nail art sally hansen instadri s-pear time
Hi y'all! Long time, no post, huh? Well there was a reason for that! My nails for so brittle and icky that I gave up trying to save them and just cute them all down to sad little nubs. Which really made me kinda sad to be totally honest, they'd gotten so long and pretty and I was finally happy with the length! Then BAM! all gone. I've been posting a few mani's on the facebook page here and there, but nothing too crazy really. 

Soooo I thought I'd share with you all that one of my goals for the new year is to get back to posting regularly! And my nails are finally at a decent length and not so sad again so I can happily do some more nail art to share with you all! 

My posting schedule will go something like this. If you haven't noticed it already. 
Tuesday & Thursday: These will be usual posting days so long as I'm not joining a challenge that has a different schedule, they will be my normal nail art posts mostly. I may do a 'throw back' type post on Thursday's every so often. Just to show how far along I've come with my nail art! 
Saturday: Saturday will be for something new that will be starting this coming Saturday! I got to thinking; I originally started this blog as a nail art and Sims blog. Then later changed it to just nail art. I was thinking, a weekly sims post thrown in with all the nail art posts wouldn't be so bad though. So Saturday will now be known as Sims Saturday here! I won't be doing legacies or challenges like that, but just sharing the sims I've been playing. Likely the same family in most cases as thats just how I tend to play. 
Sunday: Sunday is Bunday! This is the day to post about my house rabbit! At least when I remember to post. I started this back when I had Foofy, and I feel I should continue the theme with Valentina. I haven't shared much of her here. 
Any days not covered: Any blank days will be used for anything I get to review, if I get any guest posts, or things like that. Pretty much anything that doesn't fit into the other days, will go into the empty days. Or if I'm working on a challenge, they may fill with those. we will have to see what happens with that ;) 

And now that that's out of the way. If you made it that far and you're still ready, to the nail art that is up above! Christmas isn't at all even close to being a Holiday I like, so really, I didn't do much for my nails for the Holiday. But I did keep seeing these rudolph nail arts around and thought they were so cute! So I gave them a try. 

I used Sally Hansen Insta-Dri S-Pear Time for the base color,  and the rest was done with acrylic paint, dotting tools, and a detail brush. They were so simple and easy to do too! And I love how they came out. Only problem I had with them is... I was POSITIVE I had some red glitter nail art that I was gonna put on the red nose... but turns out I had no red glitter at all to use so it just got a plain red nose :( 

Hope you all enjoyed the post! Let me know what you thought in the comments below!