I'm FINALLY getting around to posting these. It's been kind of a long, crazy weekend for me as I went to birthday party on Thursday, then over to my cousins to watch fireworks, and cook out. And I got home so late that night I didn't feel like doing anything at all Friday. Then I meant to edit these and have them ready to go today already, but I went for a tattoo yesterday and got home a lot later than I thought I would, so I came home and went to bed. BUT All that counts is that I'm getting it up now, right?
Anyways. These are some more polishes from Creations By Lynda and some candle samples! How fun. She makes all sorts of things on her shops, polishes, candles, incense, soaps, and there may be more but I'm not real sure. The candles smell AMAZING. and I still need to get a tart burner so I can use that tart. I did burn the coconut tea light though and my room smelled amazing from it. Let's get to the part that probably interests you all more though, the polish! Click the jump to see the swatches.
First we have Cherry Blossom and this is probably my favorite of the bunch that I got. If I ever get a few extra dollars, I may have to order a full size, I love it that much. It's a very pale pink Crelly base, with lots of little tiny pink and red glitters and larger pink glitters. It's sooo pretty. It kinda reminds me of Strawberry Short Cake too, it just looks so yummy. Application was awesome, but this color, at least for me, was a little sheer, you could still see nail line visible, not so much in the pictures but in real life, you could. I didn't mind it though because I liked the way it looked that way. This is two coats, plus top coat. I only added the top coat because I was wearing it out.
Next up is Melete which is a light pink polish with gold color shiftyness. It's a shimmery color and on the nail is very pale and nude pink sort of, but ends up looking more gold in most places. I also noticed when some sort of top coat is added, the gold seems to shine through more, I only noticed it because I tested the next color over it. Application was very easy and smooth. This is two coats with no top coat.
Meowsical over Melete just for fun!
Last but definitely not least at all, we have Meowsical which is a black, white, and yellow, glitter topper. It have larger black hexs and smaller white and black round glitters, along with even smaller yellow glitters. It's sooo pretty and so easy to work with. It took a little dabbing to get the larger black glitters on the nail, but nothing that was too big of a deal. I used three coats alone on the pinky, and showed one coat over a different color on each other nail. The yellow glitters are very subtle over most colors it seems, but it's more noticeable when it's by itself. This is with no top coat.
That's all I have to show you today, and as usual, I would definitely recommend buying polishes from Lynda! And candles too if you like candles! They smell amaaaazing. So definitely check her out!