Sunday, July 21, 2013

Wet n Wild Pop Art Craze Limited Edition swatches!

Hey guys! I've been kinda slacking on the blog lately, I know. Part of my break from challenges though. I promise I'm not disappearing or losing interest, I'm just enjoying not having to make sure there's a post up every day!

Yesterday I went to walgreens, really I was looking for this collection, but not at all expecting them to have any of them. But they did! All but one of them at least, and the green was one I really wanted, and it was all out. Sigh. I did grab the other five shades in this collection though and even grabbed one of the eye shadow trios from it. The colors in both the polish and eye shadows are so pretty! And wet n wild eye shadows are always amazing, so I highly recommend those if you like brightly colored eye shadows. But anyways! To the swatches of these amazing nail colors, just click the jump below to see them. 

First up is A Blank Canvas which is just you're standard white cream. Also pretty sure it's exactly the same as the white from their permanent wild shine line but with a fancy new name to go along with the Pop Art Craze collection. But, since I've never used their white before, I wanted to try it out and see how it was, and since I had it on my nails, why not take pictures and share them, right? So, here we are. Application was amazing and smooth, dry time is about average, not too bad. If you've ever used any polishes from this line, they're all about the same, not the best dry time, but not horrible either. This is two coats shown with no top coat.

Next up we have one of my favorites from the collection. Listening to Blue Reed is an amaaazing bright blue polish, and it was even a slight bit jelly-ish. The first coat was a bit sheer, but on the second it covered nicely. I looove this color so much. But you're gonna hear me say that about this entire collection, the colors are just so pretty. This one had easy application, and your average dry time just like all the others in this collection, or the whole wild shine line. This is two coats shown with no top coat.

This one, while all of them are favorites in this collection, I just love this one a tiny bit more. This is Teal Slowly And See and it's a lovely bright sky blue shade. This is the sort of blue that I'm ALWAYS on the look out for. I'm not even kidding. I love these kinds of blue shades, sky blues, baby blues, even lighter more pastel, or dusty looking shades in this kind of blue, I love them all. And I can NEVER find anything like it. So I was excited to see this one there in the collection. And it automatically became my favorite before I even got home with it for that reason. I don't understand at all that while "Teal" is in the name because this isn't teal at all. It's just your perfect sky blue cream. Application was good, and dry time was average. This is two coats shown with no top coat.

Another awesome color for this collection. The Clock Strikes Orange is an awesome bright somewhat red based orange. This is such a pretty orange, it actually make me think of an actual orange. It's pretty similar to Sunny Side Up from their permanent collection in this line too, but a tad brighter, and a tad more on the red side than that one, but if you miss out on this, that would be a good alternative for it. I actually have that one and it's almost gone, so this one will replace that for now, haha. This had good application and average dry time. It actually looked a bit more red than it is in person in the pictures. This is two coats shown with no top coat. 

Last, but not at all least, we have Who Is Ultra Violet? which is a bright purple crelly type color. It has a jellyness to it, but it covers like a cream. It's such a pretty purple, and I didn't have any colors like it in my collection before, so I love it that much more. Actually, I don't own many purples at all, so that makes it an even more welcome addition. It's sort of a kind of grape-y purple color, and it's much brighter in person. These colors are not at all neons, but they are very bright, they remind me a lot of 60's Fashion, everything was so bright and colorful, which I think is kind of the point of the whole collection. This one also had good application and average dry time. This is two coats shown with no top coat.

I really wish I had the green in this collection to show you guys, I was so bummed that they didn't have it. And they were on sale for 69 cents a bottle so I literally got these five for next to nothing. It would have been my first complete limited edition collection if they would have had the green. But instead it's my first almost complete collection. Oh well, maybe next time.

What do you think of these colors? Will you be picking any of them up? At 69 cents you can't really pass them up! And their only 99 cents regular price, so not a bad deal at all either way!