Friday, October 18, 2013

Creations by Lynda Holiday Polish review + custom polish

I have more swatches from Creations By Lynda to show you today! I was lucky enough to be one of the lucky six chosen to review a polish from her upcoming holiday collection, which will be the Southern Belle Collection and is releasing on November 1st, but I think Lynda is taking pre-orders already or will be soon! 

**These were sent to me free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion**
The holiday polish I got to review was Flirt which is a glitter topper with different shades and sizes of green glitter along with white glitters. I swatched it here over a similar green shade along with white. I did the white mostly to show the different shades of green glitter best, you can see them for the most part along with the white glitters over the green as well. As usual with Lyndas polishes, the formula was perfect, the glitters applied even and easily without any effort at all, and I actually ended up liking this one much more than I thought I would from seeing her pictures of it. This is one coat shown over white and green with no top coat. 

**These were sent to me free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion**
This one is a super special polish. Lynda decided that she would be doing custom polishes for those of us in her product council for all the help we give her, we swatch and review the polishes sent to us, but we also help with giving opinions on certain things when she needs help deciding. And what better way to reward us all but by letting us design our own polish? I'd already had this in mind for quite sometime so I messaged her right away with what I wanted. 

This is Foofy a white crelly polish with brown and orange hexes and black dots. I had a little trouble getting the dots out and on the nail but not too big of a deal as the look they give it is worth it. The inspiration for the polish was my bunny, Foofy, who the polish is obviously named after. The base color is because she's mostly white, and then the glitters represent the spots of different colors in her fur, and the black dots of course for the black spots she has, and also I chose the dots in it so that they would be round like her big round eyes. I love it so much and Lynda did such an awesome job with it. Another bonus? It's perfect for Halloween and fall time which is also my favorite. The formula on this one is the same as all the other's and applied evenly and easily, other than the little effort it took to get the dots, that's mostly expected with larger glitters though. This is three coats shown with Sally Hansen Insta-dri top coat. 
If anyone is thinking about getting a custom polish for someone, or wants one themselves, I would definitely recommend working with Lynda on one. She did so good with mine, and the other ladies in our little council group. She made sure there wasn't any glitter types we didn't like in them, and sent pictures back and forth of different glitters so that we were able to see everything going in and make sure we had a say in what did or didn't go in as well.
My Polish couldn't have come at a better time either, I've been pretty down the last week as I've had a few issues with my foofy that I think she's mostly worked out. But she's my baby and I don't like to see her not feeling her best and knowing I can't afford to do anything for her :( I tried to take a picture of her with her polish but of course she grabbed the bottle, tossed it, and ran back under the bed. Her way of saying, "No mom, I'm napping and don't want to play with your camera right now" So we got this collage of her being super cute while telling me this, haha.