Hi y'all! I got a little behind on blog stuff with the recent storm here in the area, we spent a few days without power so I couldn't do much of anything besides stare at a wall or sleep and hope the power was fixed when I woke up. (It never worked that way. Never. Sigh.) But I have a few posts to line up that I did before that whole fiasco, to which this is one of them. Some bloody, battered, zombie like nails. Not really sure what else to call them. I did them last year as well and to be quite honest, I'm pretty sure that I liked last years better than the ones I did this time around. I loved them so much last time though I had to try again. Anyways, click through the jump to read more!
To do these nails I started with LA Colors Whipped and then I sponged on Sinful Colors Black Cherry and Tempest to try to get a bruised look. Then I splattered some red acrylic paint and topped it off with Wet N Wild 2% milk to get the depth effect so it looked as if the bruising was underneathe the nails. Then I splatted with more red paint and topped that with a matte top coat. Then I used LA Colors Festive to create blood drips on the tips of the nails.
Hope you all enjoyed this look as much as I did! Let me know what you thought in the comments below!