Happy St. Patricks Day!!!!
this needs lots more glitter and gold I think. I wish I could add it to text.
But there can be a RAINBOW
Hi y'all! Sorry it's been so quiet here! I've been... well apparently I have no excuse other than I suck horribly at keeping a regular schedule, but I'm trying! There's also been a bit of ickyness in real life stuff lately, so I apologize if I continue to fail at keeping a regular schedule or disappear completely! I will do my best not to let either of those happen.
Anyways, I have some St. Patricks day nail art to share with you all today. If you didn't already notice by the top of this post or the picture. These were super fun to do, and I even used a plastic sandwich bag and made decals so I could do both hands! And I discovered that.. I'm so use to painting directly onto my nail, that flat surfaces are a no go for painting. The ones on the nail looked SO much better but oh well.
Here's the polishes I used:
Pinky; Creations by Lynda In A Blue Moon
middle and ring: Wet N Wild Contact High
Index: Sally Hansen Mint Sorbet
They were all topped with Sally Hansens Big Glitter Top coat Goldi-flecks to add a touch of gold to the look.
The rest was done with acrylic paint and a detail brush. Much easier to do than it looks! And look at the highlight of sparkliness! I bought a metalic acrylic paint recently, and I got white with the intention of being able to mix with other colors to get shimmer metalicy goodness in any color I want and I LOVE it so much.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you thought in the comments below!